The Bolivian mission to Ecuador to learn the development of production initiatives comes to an end

PHOTO: “The Bolivian mission together with partners of UNDP Ecuador in one of their working sessions” CREDITS

Last Friday marked the end of the visit of the Bolivian mission to Ecuador in the framework of the Project “New Communities/Saemaul Undong”, that is being implemented at the Sacaba and Tiquipaya municipalities.

Six producers from the urban and rural areas, along with four municipal authorities from Tiquipaya and Sacaba, participated in mutual knowledge exchange with local representatives from the proyects carried out by ART Programme and the Small Grants Programme of Ecuador.

This South-South cooperation initiative was carried out in Ecuador; visiting mostly the Sierra Norte region, since it is the country within the zone with the most similarities regarding geography and production with the Cochabamba municipality, where the project is implemented.

Throughout these days, knowledge interchanges were developed among producers and local authorities of both countries, whose objective was to try to promote the production, commercialization and organization development for the sectors connected to milk, coffee, fabric and vegetables products and with community tourism.

Below, we will provide you with pictures of the mission, as well as a brief explanation of each projects visited during these days:

In Cayambe they were introduced to Red de Economia Solidaria y Soberanía Alimentaria -Ressak (Network of Solidarity Economy and Food Sovereignty), which brings together the  organic vegetable producers; with whom the mission shared good practices about joint commercialization processes.

Another project that was visited was in Cuicocha, a location where community and associative tourism is one of the main activities carried out by its residents. They learnt about the experience of the Complejo EcoTuristico Nangulvi (Nangulvi EcoTourism Complex), an initiative that served as a motivation for the Bolivian producers since they were able to observe, first hand,  the possibilities of this economic activity.

In the Intag area,  they witnessed the work carried out by the associations of coffee producers and Association of Agroecological Farmers, having worked together for more than 17 years.

This experience provided the Bolivians a first hand account of the difficulties experienced when developing group work.

During the visit to Chalguayacu Alto, they were able to interview the Asociación de Mujeres de El Rosal (Women Association of El Rosal) and with various milk producers, with whom they interchanged technical knowledge and experiences about transformation processes of the primary products.

Lastly, they visited the Corporación de Talleres del Gran Valle which is an organization that brings together different kinds of producers. Its aim is to create artisanal workshops and small companies that favors the commercialization of its products; for instance, sponges and products derived from lufa, yogurt and bean processing. 


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