Stories and Experiences
Farmers adapt to a new climate reality in Benin El Gobierno Municipal de Trinidad y más de 30 instituciones se reúnen para la elaboración del Plan Territorial de Desarrollo Integral 1295 familias productoras de Sacaba y Tiquipaya serán beneficiadas con inversión productiva gracias a la articulación multinivel del Programa ART PNUD El Viceministerio de Turismo y el PNUD participan en el seminario “Ordenamiento Territorial Turístico” de la UPEA con motivo del Proyecto del Qhapac Ñan Se celebra la primera reunión del Comité Regional de Resguardo y Promoción Turística de la Ruta “Desaguadero-Viacha” para el Proyecto del Qhapac Ñan Inter Campus inaugura una nueva Escuela Deportiva en Sacaba Fortaleciendo la generación y análisis de información para la seguridad ciudadana Mohamed and Omar: From migrant to development actor Connecting poorer farmers with modern market value chains can revitalize Asia-Pacific’s rural economies – FAO With a maize called “camel”, an old investment pays off Diez mil agricultores y sus familias mejoran la producción de sus parcelas en Carchi Organic Farming Breaks New Ground Se inaugura el curso del Diplomado Internacional con un conversatorio sobre el Desarrollo Económico Productivo en el Nivel Subnacional El agua que alimenta Bolivia, Perú y Ecuador acuerdan promover el Camino del Inca Cultivating climate resilience in Moldova South-South Cooperation successfully links Nigeria, China and FAO From Korea to Bolivia and from Bolivia to Ecuador: south-south cooperation for the experience interchange on local development Future Youth Schools Forums project “Masculinity, new masculinities” workshop carried out in the framework of the Initiative Saemaul Undong. See the changes in Cuba with Inter-Campus PADIT, the Articulated Platform for Comprehensive Territorial Development, analyzes and prioritizes themes and proposes the articulation of the actors during its second Technical Secretariat. SPP Regions website launched to showcase regional networks’ experience on sustainable public procurement of innovation FELCOS Umbria and UNDP together in support of the local economic development of the Kosovan municipalities A Kosovan delegation visits Umbria Region (Italy) for a training mission on social entrepreneurshipDecentralization seen as key to democracy and development in Central and Eastern Europe A leap towards climate resilience in Laos Arab Women Parliamentarians Unite for a Common Gender Equality Agenda The European Union–UN Women joint programme, Spring Forward for Women, enabled the formation of the Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality “Ra’edat”, Pioneers in Arabic.MedCities undertakes a technical mission to Agadir relative to the Bus Rapid Transit A project in Lebanon in the field of ecotourism Cochabamba producers get inspired in Ecuador The Bolivian mission to Ecuador to learn the development of production initiatives comes to an end Development of olive growing in the north of Lebanon From the 9th to 13rd of November, the second training mission for the Akkar olive growersSalvadoran youth sow the future on their own land Along with 20 other young men, Francisco Perez created a vegetable greenhouse with drip irrigation system in which they produced and marketed especially tomatoes. Photo: Sonia Hernandez/ADEL MorazanCumbre del Bien Social 2015 se centró en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y el país que la juventud quiere The European Technical Assistance Mission will begin, involving local actors in Cuenca, Esmeraldas and Carchi regarding the change of the production matrix La reconstrucción de Inca Uyus en el altiplano favorecerá la producción agrícola APIMED returns to Palestine: realized the Second Technical mission of the project Lebanon Host Communities Support Project (LHSP) Addis Ababa Action Agenda The importance of the subnational and local levelGaming the education system in Bolivia El Salvador: Nuevo Modelo de Gestión del Agua en la Cuenca del Torola Fortalecimiento de la Gobernabilidad y Sostenibilidad de los Servicios de Agua y Saneamiento en El SalvadorOnce países y un compromiso: la participación e inclusión de los jóvenes de la región Más de 160 millones de jóvenes luchan por el fin de la desigualdad que enfrentan las distintas generaciones en la construcción de su respuesta y de políticas públicas.The olive growers from the Lebanese region of Akkar in Umbria (IT) for technical mission Development of olive growing in the north of LebanonThe ART Programme transfers equipment to neighborhood councils to support El Alto youth work Enjoying a wide range of activities for freeCuba: The Artemisa Government Strengthens the Management of Geographic and Cadastral Information Promoting key issues for local developmentA territorial approach to risk prevention and management in the Dominican Republic A successful interchange of experiences between local Dominican and Umbrian stakeholders (Umbria-IT) on the issue of urban vulnerabilityDialogue between territories on economic transformation Ecuadorian delegation visits European counterparts for the exchange of good practices and innovationsVI Mediterranean Beekeeping Forum An event organised in the framework of the Mediterranean CooBEEration projectIn Bolivia, UNDP promotes national-territorial dialogues for productive economic development The departmental secretaries of Productive Development of seven departments met in La Paz I-STEPs in Ecuador Joint initiative of UNDP and European cities and regions identifies cooperation opportunities with provinces and cities in EcuadorEl Salvador, Towns alive Tourism strategy for human developmentIn Gabon the ART Initiative supports the elaboration of Local Development Plans Mainstreaming participatory local development planning More than ten years of cooperation between Champagne-Ardenne (France) and Région de l’Oriental (Morocco) Forging a long-lasting partnership2014 revision of the World Urbanization Prospects United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs